The Natural Eye 2021

The 58th annual exhibition of the Society of Wildlife Artists runs from 14-24 October 2021 at Mall Galleries in London. I have several pieces for sale at the exhibition. I have been inspired by animals that I see close to home as well as making a couple of works as a result of spending time at The Argyll and Islands Hope Spot Project in Scotland.

Shear Tawny Owl is about life sized and is perched on an old metal pipe. I really enjoyed playing with textures to describe the soft, barred plumage on the breast of the bird. Chain from an old dog lead, a carving fork and a small garden fork worked well. I am lucky to have a pair of tawny owls resident in my garden, although I rarely see them I do hear them a lot.

Fork Feathered Raven

Fork Feathered Raven is a life sized raven. There have been a pair wintering close to me here in Norfolk. Ravens are impressive birds and lend themselves well to the materials I use. The shaggy feathers are various garden forks and the huge beak is based around a ‘finger’ from a combine harvester. I enjoy making the sculpture balance and getting the stance of the subject right. I was careful to ensure that this raven stood properly without resorting to using the tail as a third point of contact.

G-Clamp Roebuck

Roe deer are common around where I live. I think they are the most elegant of the deer species in the UK. I have made female roe deer before but when I was looking through a box of pliers, I found some handles that made me think of the roebuck’s antlers so decided to try and make one. I wanted to emphasise the delicate stance by using simple tapered shapes for the legs rather than trying to create feet.

Tweezer Tailed Swallow

I was watching the house martins and swallows gathering before they started heading south and thought it would be nice to try and make a swallow. Whenever I make a sculpture, I look around at all the different tools I have in store and this large pair of tweezers made a perfect tail for the male swallow.

I am very fortunate to see hares almost daily here in the Brecks of Norfolk. I never get bored of them and love watching them. They are easiest to see in the winter or spring when the fields are bare or the crops low and it helps if I am out riding one of my horses as I have a great view from higher up!


Padlock Shore Crab and Sawblade Wrasse were inspired by a trip I made to Tayvalloch in Scotland in July. Several SWLA artists were invited to spend time in this stunning area to swim and snorkel so that we could then make work inspired by the experience. It was part of The Argyll Coast and Islands Hope Spot Project, set up to celebrate the amazingly rich marine habitats of the area.

Visit Mall Galleries to view the work, book a ticket to visit the exhibition or purchase one of the sculptures.

If you wish to commission me do get in touch via the contact form from this website.