The Natural Eye exhibition at Mall Galleries is the annual show for the Society of Wildlife Artists. I always try to make a variety of pieces to celebrate the natural world. 2023 is the sixtieth anniversary of the SWLA.
Shear Capercaillie was the first piece that I made after an enforced leave from the studio of a few months to recover from an eye injury and multiple surgeries.
Secateur Eared Bat was a fun last minute addition to the exhibition.
Beet Hook Greylag is a life sized goose sculpture. I rather liked the serendipity in using the sickle type beet hooks for the piece. Before mechanisation, beet hooks would have been used for topping the leaves off sugar beet by hand, over-wintering geese make use of sugar beet fields for foraging so it seems very apt.
Reclining Hare
I exhibited a couple of small hare sculptures. Reclining Hare and Hare Washing.
Cable Crested Grebe looks deceptively simple, but it took a lot of careful consideration to capture this elegant bird.